Running sum of distinct count tableau. For example, each episode has multiple fields.
Running sum of distinct count tableau To illustrate the case I have made a fictive dataset which includes 58 rows (buys), 7 different IDs (customers) and 5 different products. SUM is one of the commonly performed functions in Tableau. The following will be an I am building a chart to tell the running sum of count distinct of customer by day for the last 2 months. In this video, learn how to count occurrences and distinct items. Sum Filtered Data in Tableau. i { FIXED [Customer Id] : if sum({ FIXED [Customer Id] : COUNT([Customer Id])}) > 1 then 1 end } Basically, in the inner LOD you count the occourrences, and then you just take in consideration records having 2+ The syntax for using the Tableau Count and Distinct Count is shown below. ×Sorry to interrupt. As expected there in no numbers decrease (since we are using 0 or 1, the running sum will not decrease never) and finally if you add user id to rows, it will give you a conitnuos 1 by each user id, starting on the date he/she has data. In Tableau, is it possible to create a calculated field that sum values from one column for every unique value in 2 other Hi Tableau Community, How do I calculate a running sum while keeping the original measure in the same table? Let me illustrate: My question is: How do I get the highlighted numbers beneath the names for each "Team"? Basically saying if score is a total score per team then do a running_sum of the score otherwise keep the score per name per row: Then instead of using I'm need to display the row percentages of distinct counts for a some data, but the Tableau calculates this using the Total Distinct Count for the denominator instead of the the Sum of the Row Distinct Count. Share. e. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. In attached illustration, in excel you see tab B, under Code ( Col E), the item "USV670" has 5 lines with different tran ID, total sum on Qty (Col G) is -25. thanks. Add a comment | Tableau: Distinct count of a field which occurs more than General Information. Arun I want to display a running distinct customer count across the dates when the criteria is met. LAST STEP Issue For example running total for February will be the sum of count distinct of January and count distinct of February. I've tried COUNTD({fixed [Customer Name], [Order ID]: . for example in my case running total in January 2017, April 2017, June 2017 should be 4 because these 3 members are already in 2016 (see above data) Sum of Distinct Values? How to count distinct users on a running period. Hope this makes sense. if you SUM the first sales by month of sale mean to say if Product A was sold in Feb, Mar and Nov, it should only gets counted in Feb. 6/13/2018, it will be 2, XYZ & DEF That means that February's distinct count on a rolling 2 should be 4 (cust01, cust02, cust03, and cust04) and March's distinct count on a rolling 2 should be 5 (cust01, cust02, cust03, cust04, cust05). This would work if I could take the last value of the running total using a table calculation but I can't seem to be able to just take the last value there either. I need the latter. COUNTD(IF ([Prod]=2) or ([Prod] = 3) THEN ([Username])END) 2. Expand Post. Tableau - Running Total for Previous 24 Months. Count between months in Tableau. I have a Measure created by the following function . What Is Tableau; Build a Data Culture; Tableau Economy; I'm trying to figure out how to do a running count distinct. Hopefully I am explaining that right. The total amount is correct with 8, but the goal is to have it running, so have. Follow asked Jan 16, 2017 at 23:22. Why Tableau Toggle sub-navigation. But there is a possibility that the person who login in January, login again in February. cumulative total. my counting doesn't appear to take into account the window partitioning. Right click Sub-Category, select Measure > Count(Distinct) Create the solution view. Taking distinct counts in Tableau is incredibly If you take a monthly distinct count of product this solution is not going to work. This is dragged to Columns. September 11, 2022 at 6:13 PM. which is ID B,C,D during the period not count on each day. Selected as Best Upvote Upvoted Remove Upvote. 2. RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Count Customer's 1st Order])) Right-click and drag [Order Date] into the view; Tableau Calculations are heavily dependent on the view. I would like to reset only when the region is changed in the filter. Let’s make sure it calculates correctly by looking at the final value in The screenshot below will show you the final report we will use for calculating the running sum in Tableau. The issue is that in order to do the running sum of the count of distinct SKUs across the "set" of customers so far in the table, each customer "row" in the output needs to have access to all of the prior rows in the data in order to identify the unique SKUs. Calculating average distinct count per day. When I open the table calculation to add the running total, I do not have the option of "distinct count" as a 'summarize values using', and therefore it is adding everything up First attempt (Tab 1): WINDOW_COUNT(COUNTD([Customer ID]), -11,0) Issue: It was just a running count of columns in the pivot. tableau. Sum distinct values in Tableau. Second attempt(Tab 2): WINDOW_SUM(COUNTD([Customer ID]),-11,0) Issue: This one was closer. I created Total Order Cost as {FIXED [Order ID] : SUM([Cost])} and edited Cost Bin to use this field instead. Distinct counts are critical to analytics, whether it's counting individual patients in a hospital, the number of unique retail transactions, or the number of airplanes in a fleet. I'm doing the sum on the country level so I only fix that level. Can someone help Returns all unique values in a measure or dimension. If you filter only the months October through September, you will notice the distinct count is 322 (see sheet 1). In the image below, the 'level 2s' are working fine. Regards, Priyesh Acharya Newbie, Tableau Desktop — mike miller (Member) asked a question. WC Count is below This part was then to get a distinct count of those I designated with the number 1. Sum of day -6 to 0 is 22+7+1+4+6+23+14 = 77. $100) as shown in the picture below. For example, if the sum of distinct count of services is between 2-4, then "Two to Four"; if the sum of distinct count of services is between 5-9, then "Five to Nine" (etc). It is the total of the values present in a field. The final result is the sum of Sales Running Total of Count Distinct for entire dimension across Table In the attached workbook, you'll see that I'm trying to count the distinct ID's over all preceding years. So without context of the view, this calculation will first return the value 1 for every Hi Kevin, As Siraj noted, it's a matter of partitioning, however I can't think of a way to get this using normal partitioning. Improve this answer. Februari | 3 employee with employee A again -> total 8 , i want only 7 when running_sum . for example if you want to know how many "events" there are by day you could place the date dimension on rows count the number of records - that is done in tableau by dragging the CNT(dimension) to the canvas (it is the equivalent of count() ) Now, I want to create a categorical variable based on these distinct counts of Service IDs. Training & Enablement. I would then split it further using filters. There are two distinct 'Level 2' sub items under the single parent. That is, it is a Distinguished Mobile Count. Aggregate an Running Sum in Tableau? 1. choosing a continuous axis. if {FIXED [Impacted Service]: MIN([Opened Date])} = [Opened Date] then [Impacted Service] end The objective is to count the number of employees trained within the year. Day -2 : 1 distinct users . 2) if org type : customer I'm doing a break fix on a Tableau report visualization that shows the outcomes of clients by client id for a given year by showing a running sum of distinct count of client id or RUNNING_SUM(COUNTD([ID])). Hence there is a chance of duplication. Getting a sum of weekly count distinct? Cant seem to do it. 2b) For Exclude LOD. For example, each episode has multiple fields. Null values are ignored. Not useful at all. Why sometimes Tableau will double count the data? The sum is inaccurate. Hello Tableau gurus, I am back with a new question. But the actual sum of distinct id each day (from 3rd to 9th)should be 8. Create different Chrissy, You can create a calc returning the service only on the day of the first occurence. htm Returns the running count of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current row. Edited by Tableau Community June 30, 2020 at 5:53 AM @David - Rody's solution Running Distinct Sum or Total using COUNTD . Sum count distinct. Now we can see who all were present in a month, next step would be to see running DISTINCT COUNT by MONTH for 3 months. Day -3 : 4 distinct users . Running Sum. STEP 3 RUNNING DISTINCT COUNT for 3 months. It is fairly easy to create a table that displays months as rows and the count of monthly unique user IDs in single column to the right. , any field directly). Table Calculation- sum of distinct count over time. Day -6 : 14 distinct users . And then create a calculated field which would split the view in two: Running sum <=90 and the rest would be at the bottom 10. Every episode has a trigger, but not everyone has PTOT or Home Health I only want to divide by the distinct count of the trigger. You should get a chart like the following. com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/filtering_context. It should be 12. I want to get a total count of Count Distinct based on a weekly pull. Regards, Rody. Hot Network How to get the distinct count for a field when COUNTD is not available. 48 KB. What Is Tableau; Build a Data Culture; Tableau Economy; The Tableau Community; The Salesforce Advantage i have using running_sum(COUNTD([emp_ID]) but it show distinct the same employee in next month . How to sum two different group by calculated fields in Tableau? 0. In Hello Tableau folks, I want to calculate the Running total with the Distinct count of the customer for the last 3 years. How to Visualize a Reverse Running Total in Tableau. Unknown file type. Problem: in my data when we filter for 2 years tableau includes the duplicate in the running total calculation. Day 0 : 22 distinct users . What I am looking for is to do count distinct of Styles which have cumulative Sales % OR running sum% of Sales less than 80% by Brand. However, this doesn't appear possible. (which could be used in the In order to calculate the sum of values in a column in a table, I need to include only the distinct values for another column. From the Running Along list, choose Advanced Hello Tableau Folks, I'm running problems through a use case where I want the total distinct count of cutomers to remain the same no matter what filter i select. I am pretty new to Tableau. Evo: 2 There has been some recent work on approximate count distinct (such as HyperLogLog) but none of those algorithms are available in Tableau yet. Returns the amount only for the first row within each Index. Depending on your data structure, this may need to be SUM, rather than MIN . However, when I try to count distinct level 3 items for each level 2, I am facing an aggregation issue. COUNT(Column or Expression) - Non-unique COUNTD(Column or Expression) - Distinct. Tableau Conditional Count Distinct. Create Reverse Running Total Table Calculation. Right now i'm using Running a Distinct Sum is a bit tricky to implement with functions, so we’ll go through the steps to make it more transparent. Step 8 – Right-click on the Number of Records measure in the Measure Values shelf and change the aggregation from Sum to Average. Connect to source data [Sheet 1] 2. In one of my worksheet, I am displaying split values by year and status (picture 1). 3. The answer to your question is yes. Tableau sum by condition. See attached. I want to find sum of distinct id from 3rd April to 9th April(last 7days) each day separately . Sam has applied for the first time in FY 2017-2018 June, he is considered a first time applicant. Hi Obrad, I have recreated your problem in order to So, in the example workbook, I have groups in one datasource, matched through a key to the main source. I have attached the twbx file as well as the dataset. Could Select SUM(DISTINCT TOTAL_ORDERS) AS SUM_OF_ORDERS. I think I need to fix the calculation on individual ID, but after that I am lost. Can anyone please let me. Upvote Upvoted Remove RUNNING_SUM() is the table calculation; In Tableau Dimensions (in your case BillingDate) are what slices the measures info below. And that's what you're doing mixing COUNT([Number of Records]) with [workgroup_name]. The 'Level 3s' calc is counting the distinct level 3 items (6). Day -1 : 7 distinct users . Ex: What is Tableau Sum and Running Sum? Sum. 8K views; Top Rated Answers. 3rd: 5. Rather than adding up value totals, Tableau lets you find how many of an item, and how many unique items, appear in a field. I'm trying to find an LOD calculation that delivers the number of orders per customer that have a sum of sales over a certain threshold (i. Esther Aller (Member) it should be running sum of distinct account and should show. RUNNING_MAX(expression) Returns the running maximum of the given expression, from the first row in the partition to the current row. Voila! We now have our chart. CSS Error when I dragged this to the table, it generates the new distinct count of [supplier code] of the current month, compare to all months before current month. For running sum we need I'm using Tableau 8. of “All Orders” is SUM. From the Data pane, How To Calculate RUNNING_SUM in Tableau Prep Source data: Output: Environment. The distinct applicants are calculated only within FY Start Date and FY End Date. So for February we need count distinct of the period Jan - Feb. oct'13 : 15. No, the problem is to mix aggregated arguments (e. Change the Calculation Type to Running Total. 3 values (1, 2, 3) Sum: Returns the sum of the numbers in a measure. In sheet two, I have the months, the distinct count of User IDs and the running sum of distinct count of user IDs. The Tableau Sum function seeks out the Sum of records under consideration. All Answers. If you turn the MONTH INTERVAL to 1 from 3, you can see STEP 2 table. To create this calculation, follow the steps below and see the attached workbook. RUNNING_SUM ([First Amount]) The simple running sum of the whole column, but now only the first value in each pane is used, so the running sum is the same for each block. Add a Clean Step [Clean 1] 3. 0. For example i created a sheet (attached) I have total customer of 793 irrespective of what week it is (if i select ALL SEGMENTS), i have created another field use {Exclude} function and excluded the dimensions that i dont On the date '3/20/2019' I am trying to find the distinct number of users until '3/14/2019'. well this is my best approach at the moment, as if I use another calculation of 'RUNNING_SUM(SUM())' on the above code, it gets the correct result for 'Feb 2020', as it is the first distinct 1. If i do a basic count distinct, ill get only the distinct values for the whole time period. Sum up the Min Month for each month - that's the Min Month calc, so now we have an accurate count of new users in the month. Upvote Upvoted Remove Upvote Reply. Using the analytics tab I can then add a grand total row at the bottom, and switch the measure type to sum (cumulative). Distinct sum of values in Tableau. For this I used WINDOW_SUM(COUNTD Why Tableau Toggle sub-navigation. Improve this question. , sum, count) with non aggregate ones (e. Then, we're going to compare LoDs to Table Calculations (TC) and Basic Calculations (BC) from the perspective of Ease of Creation, Flexibility and Performance. Tableau Prep Builder; Answer 1. Primarily, we're going to focus on how to create them using Level of Detail (LoD) Calculations. I'm doing the sum on the Country level so I want to exclude the fields below the country level. For Example, if i see "Flick" Brand there are 265 distinct styles which have cumulative Sales % <80% . Let's say I have a data set: MonthID1112212223343536434347 . For example, the running total of unique customers who have made an order over all time, or a moving total Hello Tableau Users, I'm trying to calculate Cumulative running total of certain period of weeks. I've got the hello, I am trying to make a pareto chart in tableau. Right now when i do Sum(Allowed Amount)/Countd(Episode id) it divides by Option 1: Use FIXED to find the running count distinct. General Information. SUM({FIXED [ID] : AVG ( IF DATETRUNC('MONTH',TODAY()) = DATETRUNC ('MONTH', [SALES DATE]) AND DAY([SALES DATE]) <= DAY(TODAY()) THEN [MTD SALES DATES] END)}) Why Tableau Toggle sub-navigation. Right click Sub-Category, select Measure > Count (Distinct) 1. Create a running sum Min Month - that's the Running Sum calc. Something like this should Today, we're going to talk about creating Distinct Counts in Tableau. below is the calculated field i am using for the same, but when i remove date from rows it shows distinct count as 3. OK - thanks for the explanation - so each record is an event and you would Count the events - that is done with the Count() functions . Is there a way to make Tableau perform a running distinct sum or total using a calculated item which uses COUNTD? I have attached a packaged workbook which includes a sample set of data and where I have got to so far. Rody Zakovich (Member) 9 years ago. 21%, not 100%. I firstly created a calculated field to count number of unique customers. Wrap your Running_sum calc with: if last() = 0 then (running sum). I'm trying to perform a RUNNING_SUM([AGGSALES]) / TOTAL([AGGSALES]) on aggregated data on a two dimensions view and I really can't figure out how. Hello, Simple problem, but can't seem to figure it out! Edited by Tableau Community May 8, 2020 at 10:28 PM. Initially I put together a calculation as below: WINDOW_SUM(COUNTD([Full Visitor Id]), -6, 0) Unfortunately, it calculates distinct visitors id for every day individually and then sum the results for 7 days. Upvote Upvoted COUNTD() is an aggregation just like SUM() so it will return the distinct count of all student names and that result will essentially be the SUM() of them; unless you're looking How can I calculate a distinct count of City Names using Tableau? tableau-api; Share. This can be corrected by The Count Distinct of States could be a TOTAL(COUNTD([State])) or the SIZE() function. Now, I would like to count how many distinct IDs every group brings to the table. What Is Tableau; Build a Data Culture; Tableau Economy; The Tableau Community; The Salesforce Advantage; Actually i dont want to sum this i want total of distinct count of customer ID meaning if a customer id is present in feb month and same in mar month it should be counted only once. Select Analysis > Create Calculated Field. If I run the distinct count against the original, un-grouped field, I get a distinct count of the number of records. Day -4 : 6 distinct users . but they all fail to include the measure component in the running sum computation. LOD for Count Distinct of sum of sales. You can also hide the rows that display null values by dragging a copy of your running sum measure to the filter shelf, select special, then click the non-null values radio button. The X axis of the visualization is the initial date of contact with the client. SUM – This sums the distinct orders How to calculate a running, or moving, count distinct of a dimension. If your goal is to know how many workgroup_name (unique) has more than 5 records (seems like that by the idea of your code), I think it's easier to filter Tableau Visionary and Forums Ambassador . In Tableau Desktop, connect to the Sample-Superstore saved data source, which comes with Tableau. Example : Say there are 2 uids (100,200) appeared on date 2016-11-01 and they also appeared on next day with new uid 300 (100,200,300) on 2016-11-02 At this point i want store cumulative count to be 3 not 5 as (user id 100 and 200 already appeared on past day ). In the Calculated Field dialog box that opens, enter a name for the field. Based in Sydney, Australia (GMT+11) Please upvote my helpful replies and choose Select as Best Answer if it really is the best :) Expand Post. From ORDERS. 5M. 5. Here’s a quick description of this function: DISTINCT – This function will select only distinct total orders. I used the link you posted and copied all the formula's, etc. Day -5 : 23 distinct users . Hi guys, I want to do a SUM(CNTD(record)) down a table in Tableau. I have tried multiple variations like: Sum of Distinct count. I created Count of Types Within Order as {FIXED [Order ID] : COUNTD([Item Type])} and Count of Distinct Orders as (1/[Count of Types Within Order]). I’m going to assume that you are starting with a view like this. For instance, in the attached workbook, if you add up the % in the rows, it comes out to 102. Tableau Desktop & Web Authoring; Calculations; Using Tableau; Upvote; Answer; Share; 2 upvotes; 2 answers; 4. Regards, Ubair Usmani @Olga Olkowicz (Member) . I am working on query to get cumulative distinct count of uids on daily basis. Sounds like you need a Level of Detail calculation. You can see that 3,353 in the Grand Total so you mentioned that, but I think that's a red herring because Tableau's grand totals are "dead end" calculations - we can't use Running Count Distinct with Fixed Dimensions, Tableau Version 10. This is dragged to Rows. For July, since Sam has already applied in June, he is not considered as a first time applicant and hence should not be considered for the running distinct count. For each year, I am displaying the values and the corresponding percentage (for example, in 2017, stauts green is 2890 values, which corresponds to 89% of the total of the year). Thanks in advance, Nick. 1,099 13 13 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges. 3 and i'm trying to find out how to group on each of the values that I find after making a "count of distinct values". In Tableau, the sum on this doubled -51M. 1) Create a calculated field for the distinct count (Use your distinct count expression instead) 2a) For Fixed LOD. It would be Here’s how to do it. 4,538 9 9 gold badges 54 54 silver badges 74 74 bronze badges. Follow answered Dec 22, 2015 at 19:31. Unlike the workbook that was part of this Re: Running Distinct Sum or Total using COUNTD. We have to add the table calculation to calculate the running Total in Tableau. Tarzan Tarzan. 1. RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Count Customer's 1st Order])) Right-click and drag [Order Date] into You are using a running sum of a distinct count of [Customer Name] RUNNING_SUM (COUNTD ([Customer Name])) Because the table calculation is evaluated after the date filter is applied in Tableau's Order of Operations (OOO), the count would still be accurate. The screenshot provided below exhibits the total sum of sales for each of the three categories as given in Sheet 1. BRAND Style Count which gives <80% Sales FLICK265 . Count of group dimensions item in Tableau. Next let’s pull the Customer Name field out onto our Rows shelf and make it a Count Distinct measure. Step 1 – Create a calculated field to count all of the customers in the view (note that I’m Tableau Desktop; Answer. Apologies if I have explained awfully. In the Chart, I want to display the Running sum up to the current month and next month should display blank or zero. Distinct Count after Sum. The OOO is also the problem you are having with 'test' step 2' You were applying a 2022 Tableau Forums Ambassador. One more time, asking for help here. Sum( CASE [isempty] when 'No' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) This will eliminate Item from group by and Count distinct happens against Location itself. How can I sum the variable those has the some value on tableau? 0. I'm using 3 different tables connected with left joins so I first need to find the distinct How to calculate a running, or moving, count distinct of a dimension. So if the number of records is 1000, I can get a distinct count of say 100, 50, and 25. Navigate to a worksheet. RUNNING_COUNT(SUM([Profit])) computes the running count of SUM(Profit). Create calculation field Solution_Fail or Succeed to {FIXED [Cd Year], [Supplies]: SUM(IF [Status] = "Delivered" THEN 0 ELSE [Quantity] END)} You may also benefit from Context Filters : https://onlinehelp. The data is structured like this: Sheet 1 . Hi, I don't know why would you need to drag UserID to column, but as far as I see, it works. To do so, click the Down arrow beside the Sales Amount measure (change as per requirement) to open the context menu. Can someone please point me as to how to go about doing this? I need to understand how to create a calculated field which only takes distinct of one column in order to calculate another column. g. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. I am having issues trying to count the distinct Dimensions within the group created. Note: this method will not work to find a moving distinct count. how to count Loading. That measure used with Month in Column shelf gives me following result: Edited by Tableau Community May 8, 2020 at 6:46 PM. The tricky part is the running sum, because of the finer level of detail that takes a few hoops to get back to a coarser grain, you'll see a nested table calculation there. Tableau Create a running sum by Quarter of year. I have a requirement in which I have to calculate running sum of percentages. In Tableau Desktop, connect to Superstore sample data. Empowering your teams to build successful data solutions themselves. The main source has an amount of IDs per group, matched by key. minatverma minatverma. I want the rolling count of companies, see below: 6/6/2018 count will be 1, company DEF. It did a COUNT Distinct on Customer ID per each much, and then summed that up. this you can verify from the second sheet i have created . Why is that? I notice for code that have mutiple tran ID will have this issue. Step 9 – Right-click on the Number of Records measure in the Measure Values shelf and choose Add Table Calculation. Since you're wanting a count over months, I took the Install (date) field and used the DATETRUNC function to create a Month of Install field. 1 value (2) Count (Distinct) Returns the number of unique values in a measure or dimension. Similarly, add Quantity again and change the Measure calculation It is possible to get the desire Mixed Effect result by changing the Totals to SUM instead of Automatic (the result is actually 103 with the missing record replaced), but then the other totals are wrong. A flexible and specialized team focused on running and automating your data infrastructure. Example. For example, the running total of unique customers who have made an order over all time, or a moving total of unique customers who have made an order within a window of time, such the last three weeks. Hello! Forgive my English, but I used Google to translate! The number of Active Customers in a given month is made through a Distinct Count in a range of six months prior to the reference month (Current Month - Six Months). My next step was to make this calculation on the running last 7 days. 1 value (8) Average: Returns the arithmetic mean of the numbers in a measure. However, when I use the Running Total across Table calculation, it'll consider distinct values only in that year and add it to the immediately previous year to get the new total. oct'20 : 20 . Now we can see the SUM of DISTINCT COUNT of usernames for running 3 months. Hi Tableau friends - I'm attempting to get a percent for each period of time (months) as follows: - numerator: distinct number of sub-categories ordered in 12 out of the 12 following months (inclusive of current) - denominator: distinct number of sub-categories ordered in the current month . From the list of available options, you can either select the Add Table option or I used this calculation in the Rows, and have SUM(Number of Records) in text. How can I sum distinct load#'s to give me the accurate value for margin. The Group Calculations are working fine. Environment Tableau Desktop Answer Step 1: Create a WINDOW_SUM Calculation. In Tableau, is it possible to create a calculated field that sum values from one column for every unique value in 2 other fields. When you are in a situation where you want to switch your measures using parameters, having SUM instead of count distinct simplifies a lot of the Distinct Count after Sum. So final output should be shown below . Join [Sheet 1] and [Clean 1] with clauses below: SUM ( [RUNNING_SUM(Sales)] ) 6. Join [Aggregate 1] and [Clean 1] with clauses below: [Clean I am fairly new to Tableau and cannot figure out how divide the sum of my paid amount by the distinct count of the episode. the link you are references advises the user to place a dimension into context which will apply the filter before the lods are calculated - it is not clear from you post how you are determining your values - for that we need more information - supply a representative workbook with even dummy data and your calculations - will make it easier to get you a specific solution Thanks for your reply. Create different calculation fields to calculate COUNTD ( [Sub-Category]) for Succeed and Fail. It's probably going to be hard to suggest anything further without ideally a sample workbook, or at least some information on the number of values in your dimensions and specific examples of what's failing. eumjpqigqfebtvsbyltgczngeskudtlfyviaprjwfzpherueyjpjkbylldpsaanlitag