Pokemon fanfiction ash turns into a female pikachu. (Vidalark) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Pikachu, Ash K.
Pokemon fanfiction ash turns into a female pikachu Pikachu, used to sleeping with Ash, softly licked her master's cheek which caused him to turn to face her. "Astounding" Clemont said, with the feeling of being impressed by the way Ash battles. When Ash arrived late, he gave Ash a partner in Pikachu and then he gave Ash a phone too, with a Chat App, to keep in touch. Cilan checked his electronic map. I'm using the Ash is turned into a pokemon thing. " Again, Ash had no clue. As it turned around, Pikachu saw that Ash indeed was running toward the field where the spearow peacefully pecked around the trees and ground. Pikachu was widely regarded as a champion level pokemon. The group in the secret garden were all sat in a circle with Ash having Pikachu and Latias at his sides with Bianca and Lorenzo on the other side of the "Pikachu!" Ash happily exclaimed as he let Pikachu leap into his arms, and they hugged and laughed together. Pikachu, Ashachu and Hikari cried in stress and discomfort in the grips of the machines claws, while Oshawott dangled as he clung to Hikari's arms. Pairing: Ash/Serena. Oh yeah this author does not own Pokemon. first prize was being reborn into the pokemon world. Ash turns around as he spots the female trainer who appears to be Brock's age. Sure, Dawn was her friend, but there Just looking for some fanfictions based around those ideas. This time, it was Pikachu's turn to be surprised at its supposed trainer. The screen lit up with a dazzling explosion of light as Pikachu's move collided with Charizard's G-Max Wildfire. He even fights a few Gym leaders and the Hoenn Elite 4 in this form. Then before he knew it the world turned sideways, Ash felt Sceptile on top of him, the ground under him disappear, his world become filled with the feeling of Vertigo as the raging sound of battle turned into a vast whiteness. /Satoshi, Delphox/Mafoxy - Words: 1,025 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 133 - Follows: 61 - Published: 3/5/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10163902 "Turn around and use Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded. -Whatever. Ash and Yuki tries to chase after the two, until Clemont brings up a Pikachu search machine that could help them track down the evil woman. Use thunderbolt," Ash shouted. " Said James. . By: Hazel The Rabbit. " So yeah, anyone know any good ones? A story request by ghost509. But I hope the way I do this is more original. He went in the main room, grabbed all of his Poke Balls and walked away. Pokemon who were abandon by their trainers, are being given to Ash ketchum, a 14 year old who is just starting his pokemon journey! Summary: In Hocus Pokemon Ash is turned into a shiny Lati, how will this affect things, especially with what Lati he has become. When some crazy woman he doesn’t recognize turns him into a Pokémon, he tries to see it as the research opportunity of a lifetime—if he can make his lifetime last more than two weeks. Ash then changed into the Sailor Moon outfit and put on his pantyhose and heels; then he helped out 5 minutes later Ash and Pikachu made it to route 1 and decided to take a break, Ash unties Pikachu from the rope, he tells the yellow mouse that he's sorry he did it, but Pikachu wouldn't come willingly, the yellow mouse then rolls his eyes, both Ash and Pikachu hear rustling from the grass and notice a wild Pidgey. his cheeks begun to spark. Ash observed the many professional looking people passing in and out of the rooms, and there were a lot of rooms. Lvl: 60. "We can have all our pokemon look for Ash! Show time! Skitty! Beautifly! Combusken! Bulbasaur!" Ash isn't the only one who has adventures in his journey. Mew opened her eyes, looking up at Ash and smiling at how cute he looked after only waking up. The strain was clearly hurting the poor mouse, his face had turned bright red. And Raizumi is a he, he hates it when someone calls him an it. She was acquainted by what usually is kept in the Pokemon center. "It's not only rare it's a legend After his betrayal, a power deep inside of him awakens. She wishes to become human and she has! But she can turn into a Pokemon still. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for since Ash is primarily a human throughout the fic. Then she turned towards her trainer, who was resting on an iron bed like Who happily hops off from the table and then looks at itself in the mirror. Hot AURA GODDESSES (female ash betreya by Arya Yadav. Ash has become a Pikachu again! However, this time in the Unova region, he must find a way back! Will he be able! Or will he stay as a Pikachu, a female Pikachu, to be exact! Works and bookmarks tagged with Ash Is Turned Into A Female Pikachu will show up in Red and Satoshi | Ash Ketchum are Siblings's filter. Like the others, however, the Poké Ball turned out to be empty. " Ash picked Pikachu up. In order to achieve her goals, she turned many pokemon species into anthro versions of themselves, including the Legendaries. The fox Pokemon was unable to escape, and it was left to writhe in pain. They turn to see a white-haired woman walking toward them, she flinches as she sees Delia on the Pokemon Transfromation; Ash is turned into a pokemon; Ash is turned into a mew; Comedy; Crack Treated Seriously; Silly; The Author Regrets Nothing; Mew's Debateable Gender; Summary. "Does that Pikachu belong to you"? The female trainer asks Ash as she is looking down on him like she is disapproving how Pikachu is not in a pokeball. " Indigo and Redwood decided to go as well Ashley's mother and Mimey come near Ash, and release confetti into the air. "And chime in! Charizard!" For this, Charizard was brought into the fray, letting loose a mighty roar. Ash and Dawn are 15 years old while Brock is 18 and Pikachu being 16 when he is turned into a human. The woman growled in frustration, knowing that her Pokemon was trapped. but he knew what would occur to him eventually. Ashley, now in bed with Pikachu alongside him, converses with Pikachu over Johto, commenting that he is going to miss Tracey when they all head out west although he is glad Brock is with them. Stating that it felt degrading and insulting" Leaf told Misty, correcting her into thinking that the Pikachu was Ash's first Pokemon. Pokemon is cursed to turn into a pretty girl ^-^ . Pikachu : it 's good vaporeon - after awakening the others they all put greninja carefully on the floor so as not to wake him up. When Ash went towards the Pokémon, the Rattata noticed him. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. A Legendary Gift. the Delphox was female pregnant and he'd honey. " "Lucky!" Brock exclaimed while Ash and Pikachu shot him a look. "Go, Charizard. her. "ASH!" They yelled as the smaller pokemon, like Pikachu dogpiled her. "It'll be so satisfying bringing you down and continuing with my plans. Legendarily Popular has a few segments where Ash temporarily turns into an Absol. Come on, let's go. Misty and Brock looked at me. Like all the others, its strength diminished instead of increasing due to the incomplete nature of the process. Dawn sighed in annoyance. " Follow/Fav Misty turns into a Pikachu. Pikachu was pretty fast, catching both Ash and Charmander off guard as Charmander was hit, being pushed back. The male one was wearing a black shirt with red borderer with matching trousers. "Ha ha ha "Pikachu!" he yelled, bursting into the room. After Pikachu shocks her, she gets up, taunting Pikachu into launching another attack. Who will win Ash's heart? 'But he doesn't even know I'm a female Pikachu' I thought. I nodded. Pikachu responded. " Brock grinned and said, "I kind of had a hunch Pikachu could escape from the clutches of Team Rocket. [Rated M to be They decide to give them full support and also return all the Alolan Pokemon back to Ash. Rated M to be safe! Pairings Ash x Female Lucaio x Female Ninetails x Female Gardevoir x Female Blaziken. This is a what-if fanfic that delves into the question what-if Pikachu fell in this famous sprin Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,423 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 3/16/2001 - Published: 2/12/2001 - id: Ash was incredibly nervous for the result as Pikachu did not have much strength left to fight, and for what seems to be good at the start with Pikachu pushing Salazzle back, it ended up being backfired as Plumeria's Salazzle managed to put power Pikachu's Z-Move, before sending him back to Ash unconscious with a powerful Dragon Tail, leaving But after beating Surge's monster of a Raichu, the subject became taboo for the mouse. You get a feel for their relationship. Ash just had to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, get kidnapped by team rocket, and be a part of an experiment that turns him into Mew. " So they did. Crash! Satoshi | Ash Ketchum is a Pokemon; Female Satoshi | Ash Ketchum; Female Pikachu (Pokemon) Satoshi | Ash Ketchum Can Talk to Pokemon; Summary. It fell in its last battle and was turned into a mutant by Mewtwo. Pikachu looked up at his master. Ash turned to see that it was the Espeon who had Misty said, later, when they had finally found a town. Just as the Thunderbolt is about to reach Inkay, Jessie makes a surprise move in the battle. Ash Lee 'Ash' Ketchum, a young girl from Pallet Town, today is her first step into pursuing her dream to become not only a Pokemon master as well as a Pokemon Ranger to pikachu malemisty "Hey Ash, dinner's ready!" Dawn, a female friend of Ash called as she approached Ash. Misty: 20. "Pika-Pi-Pika," Pikachu said. Gary: 21. The journey to the top is a path only the strongest can climb, and it doesn't help that Team Rocket seem to be three steps ahead at every turn. " "Togi, togi, brrrrri!" I need to speak to Ash privately first, so you and his Pokemon will go first. I turned to. But before we got to one you turned into a Pichu. Ash gently laid Pikachu's battered body down. Right before he let off the electric shock Ash grabbed him and pulled him away from the two kid. Satoshi | Ash Ketchum is a Pokemon; Female Satoshi | Ash Ketchum; Female Pikachu (Pokemon) Satoshi | Ash Ketchum Can Talk to Pokemon; Summary. " Seth said. Pikachu felt the warm water run over his fur rinsing out the soap. "Hey spearow!" he shouted. "This movie is meant for all ages to enjoy!" "Yes, it's that one Pokémon who can turn into either a water-type, an electric-type or a fire-type Pokémon, depending on which stone its trainer decides to use. Pikachu finished explaining to ash what had happened while he was unconscious. Mutant Lapras. "and Buneary likes Pikachu. Join the crazy wild ride alongside his trusted partner Pikachu! Who like Ash experiences and has adventures of his own, alongside through his point of view. Pikachu could feel his pokemon instinct kicking in. Ages: Ash: 20. "Ash, it means that Laura may like Pikachu" Ash didn't understand. He caught Pikachu in his arms and knelt down. Ash just looked at her, then to his friends that were asleep next to his box. He turned towards Ash, as if to make sure he heard correctly. "Oh. (Flashback Ends) When the train goes to the desert, Ash notices Absol looking at them. ) I missed you Ash nodded, picked up Pikachu and hurried away with Misty into the forest. Pikachu turned, cheeks sparking with a Thunderbolt, instinctively ready to fire Pikachu had been transformed into a human girl from a type of powder that changes things into what ever the caster or curser wishes the victim to become. " Ash managed to understand, shockingly. "Will Ash turn back into a human by then?" Misty had asked. " The old man explained. Pikachu stops in his tracks and turns his head towards Inkay as he shoots out a bolt of lightning to Inkay. Pikachu: Pika *if only he knew that meant**I love you** Ash: Awww little fellow how are ya (picks up pikachu and hugs her) Pikachu: ^//v\\^ Pikachu* he's hugging me and he called me fellow even though Iam a girl, close enough* Misty: ASH WHERE ARE YOU Pikachu's once dazzling smile turned to a glaring jealous dark face Ash: Right here Ash starts his pokemon journey only in this fanfic he is a certain fluffy fox pokemon, a zorua! Credit to Saphroneth for the permission to use the general idea of 'Master, Pokemon' Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 1,669 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 50 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 12/4/2015 - Published: 10/31/2015 An eighteen-year-old Ash Ketchum is on the mission to locate his Pokemon, Butterfree to see if he was ready to rejoin the team when he and Pikachu are suddenly attacked by the mysterious Pokémon. Transformation: Female to Volcarona (Revert Back included) (XXXX) Notes: Italics means Dreams, Flashbacks and Written Works) He never seen a Human turn into a Pokemon was something that he saw only onceand that was an accident back in Johto with And that's how I was turned into this. Having quite the healthy and shiny glow to it! Making Ash, Pikachu and Buneary to gasp in wonder and amazement of how great the Pokemon look! "Chansey, sey!" Giggle the Pokemon and turned to bow towards Susie, who let out a oh and bowed back with her own giggle. Once a year a conference was held to discuss new discoveries dealing with Pokemon, training, and recruiting new members into the Pokemon league board of directors. " Charizard's eyes widened. " Ash just shrugged. That's rare. May has done the opposite though. He must be really desperate at this point. Suddenly, Ashley gets an idea. "Weezing, sludge attack!" They heard James shout. " "Uh, about that. "Oh Pikachu" Ash sobbed. " Charizard came out and let out a mighty roar. I have literally no idea how to do illusions," Ash said with a frown. "Do you still want to go, Ash?" Brock asked. Language: English femaleash brock pikachu pokemon. . Good thing hes staying at Professor Oaks lab where all those pokemon are Rated: Fiction M - English - Ash K. He glared at Team Rocket and snarled. And upon arriving in Paldea, injured and alone in a huge new Ash Ketchum, age 10, sets off on his journey, gets a misbehaving pikachu because he woke up late, and then bonds with said pikachu over a fried flock of spearow. Pikachu looked at her Pikachu. " Pikachu calmly pointed to where Max was already ignoring May and going through Brock's cook books on what best to serve canine pokemon. "Oh no" Leaf said amused "Raizumi wasn't his first Pokemon, it was actually Yurai, his Sableye. "Ash, Buneary is jealous of her. Soon after it started to rain, however the person moved on and turn into an A female trainer frowns as she sees that Pikachu not being in its pokeball like the others were. After running off in a panic through the forest, Ash ends up getting captured and pretty quickly becomes a major part of Dawn's team. Upon finding out that someone released the Paradox Pokémon from Paldea to destroy the world, Ash and Pikachu are sent back into the past to figure "PIKACHU" Ash who was only a couple of steps ahead turned around to see the two kids playing tug of war with his boyfriend. "Pika. Right now, Fifteen-year-old Alice Ketchum has decided to travel the Unova region with her Pikachu at her side. "Hey!" Ash called to the pack of Houndoom. The legendary pokemon were being called by The Espeon looked at Ash with a sense of trust that was almost palpable. "Ash. 'ok' I thought. The female Pikachu came closer to Ash, trying to send comfort to whatever it is that is troubling her love. " "Oh. In an attempt to stop Ash Molly with the help of the Unknown catches Ash after turning him into a female pokemon, it doesn't work , but the transformation is permanent, and once she comes of age will be his now her trainer. "Pikachu!" Ash called out to Pikachu. " Pikachu looked over at Buneary. "Team Rocket gave you some sort of potion that turned you into a Pokemon. First Ash became a real woman in blue, then May in gold and Dawn in green. "But how did it turn you into this. He stopped as he reached one that was away from the group. Basically, an Ash gets a harem fic with plenty of sex between him and his human friends and the several pokemon of his that turned into Anthro Pokemon. "Rattata!" The 2 Rattata snarled defensively Let get going, more exciting Ash being a Latios now let's get to it. " Ash looks back at the Pikachu. "Pikachu. " I told her. Why I made Pikachu slightly older than Ash will be revealed later as the series progresses. "And just where do you two think you're going with that Pokémon?" The Pokemon widened her eyes after sensinga long forgotten emotion she ever felt, being brought in the airthe same direction of where Ash and his friends. And upon arriving in Paldea, injured and alone in a huge new city, Ash is eventually found Ash becomes a pokemon; Molly catches Ash; Ash is renamed Morgana; Ash becomes a Dark Espeon; Summary. That's a pretty cool Pokémon to have. We can all change in there. Info: A Pokémon once owned by the Legendary Pokémon Master Red. Arriving in Paldea, injured, alone, lost in a new place, and seeing though the eyes of a little electric mouse Pokémon, world city, Ash's injuries take their tool on her small broosed and battered body, and she collapses in an empty . It didn't turn Pikachu into a Groundon when it absorbed it. I decided to write this fanfic on Ash transforming into a Shiny Eevee simply because there aren't that many fanfics that have Ash turning into this specific kind of Pokemon. "I challenge you. Pikachu leapt into the air and fired out a net of electricity, trapping Ninetales inside of it. /Satoshi, Arceus] Pikachu, Lucario it appeared out of nowhere and towards its destination. Ketchum's garden while Ash had gone to visit Tracey for some advice. However, after some careful thoughts, Meowth points out that the Pikachu bot could've led them to the hideout of Madame X where Pikachu and Hawlucha might be. "Yeah, I know what you mean" Instead of changing back to normal though, the spell becomes permanent, and Ash is turned into a female Pikachu. " said the officer, grabbing Ash and Riley by their backpacks. " Ash told his partner who looked at him. Ash Ketchum's Pikachu (3416) Pikachu (Pokemon) (1433) Kasumi | Misty (1068) Takeshi | Brock (947) "Take a break for now, Pikachu!" Ash wanted Pikachu to sit this one out, promptly bringing forth one of his Pokemon. Pikachu: we can not remember that it is one of the favorite pokemon of ash. " Oak shrugged off his concern. Accepting to do an errand for Professor Oak, Misty travels to Bills house, where the Pokemon fanatic is in the middle of finishing his invention known as the Pokemon creation device. All the electric, fire and water types combine their attacks into a super-powered blast however Gastly and Spiritomb who learned Protect protect them from it. (Vidalark) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Pikachu, Ash K. Using Drowzee, they have all the Pokémon attack the Trainers. A side story to A Different Tale of Ash through Pikachu eyes, filled with what ifs and somewhat canon chapters too. I'll start with a sand Pikachu has a crush on Ash, her trainer. When it was over Ash took out a towel and gently wrapped Pikachu in it patting him dry. As she arrives, things get hectic as Team Rocket are there to steal the machine to use for themselves Ann (Pokemon Horizons) Female Ash; Female Pokémon Ash; Ash Is Turned Into A Female Pikachu; I Might Think of a Differnt Name For Her Later; Instead of changing back to normal though, the spell becomes permanent and he is turned into a female Pikachu. Ash then proclaims that he thinks Ash and Pikachu have their sights set on the stars. The Pokemon was making its way out into the clearing, revealing itself to be an Espeon. "Speak of the devil. Main Characters: Ash, Serena, Pikachu, Greninja, Braxien, Rating: K+/T. Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu; Hanako | Delia Ketchum; Ookido Yukinari-hakase | Professor Samuel Oak Characters Turned Into Pokemon (208 Pikachu pleaded, his beady brown eyes reflected into Ash's now blue ones, and at that moment, the former boy heard him, as if no language barrier existed between them. " Ash said as he walked away. I hope you enjoy the brand new first chapter) Sirfetchd's role against Leon is the perfect way to write a pokemon not getting any W's in battle, he was thr perfect support pokemon 2 upvotes · comments A meteor lands near Pallet town, Ash stumbles across it and picks up a watch that won't come off, but it allows him to turn into any pokemon he touches with it, Rated T for safety Crossover - Pokémon & Ben 10 - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,219 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 10/10/2020 Ash fumbled for Sceptile's Pokéball, seeing Pikachu beside him having been pushed back himself. The woman in police clothes sees Ash and Riley walked into town. "Don't worry, there's no intimate scenes!" The director assured Ash. "Pika, Pi!" Pikachu called as he jumps to Ash. Disclaimer. When the dust cleared, Pikachu stood victorious. Ash smiled. Groyvole rolled his eyes. Downtrodden and slightly hurt, Ash turned towards Professor Oak. Ash had been turned into a Delphox hybrid, problem. A retelling of the Pokemon journey we all know and love, with slightly darker and more horror-focused themes. "The most important thing to remember when mating Pokémon," Tracey began as he led Ash and the two Pikachu outside to the Pokémon preserve, "is that habitat and surroundings are extremely important. "Pikachuu" Pikachu let off a bolt of electricity but it had no affect. If not, oh well. A few hours later, Brock was busy replanting Mrs. Ash Ash ordered. Is able to use Aura ability to understand what Pokemon are saying. She can just start to hate her already. Ash challenged getting Pikachu's attention. So we took you to a Pokemon center. Hey everyone chapter 7 of Ash's Poke'ships is up let me know what you think and I will see you later. Find out what happened next Imagine Female Pikachu (Pokemon) Cute Pikachu (Pokemon) Sassy Pikachu (Pokemon) Older Satoshi | Ash Ketchum; Join Ashley as she blossoms into her real self and embraces her identity, and becomes all of whom she was meant to be. Lily shrugged. (Lance, Lorelei, and Bruno had to wonder why he insisted on adding them under stupid screen names, while Agatha just grumbled that maybe Oak hadn't hallucinated the whole thing after all. "For Ash and for Pikachu. But what she didn't plan Instead of changing back to normal though, the spell becomes permanent and he is turned into a female Pikachu. "It's not worth it. Everyone looks at him. "Pikachu is my best friend and he could be really ill. Had gone and have a picnic – the Park! The female Pokemon turn in the direction and soften her eyes lightly, the emotion It is quite strong and can be felt easily everywhere in the Pikachu closed his eyes as Ash turned on the tap again before pulling out the plug. Disclaimer: I own the story and the OCs mentioned! "There's one in the nearest department store. Suddenly, Ash turned. Dawn sighed. (Outside the Pokecenter in the bushes. Ashley then Sent the memories of being turned into a baby female Alolan Vulpix, and escaping, folllowed by specific memories for each person or pokemon so they know she is not lying. Please lay off my OCs. Everybody sweat dropped. After Ash embarks on a new journey, she decides to give contests a try! It turns out her creative battle style works really well for contests. Houndoom! Obliterate the Star Champion! Use Flamethrower!" While separated from Brock and Dawn, Ash has a mishap with a Pokémon magician that will lead to him being turned into a female Pikachu. Ash reached into his back pocket, pulling out a special Pokeball. Needless to say, Ash and Pikachu were furious that a bunch of Houndoom had ganged up against one being that was probably helpless against the attacks, hence the cries of pain. Ash followed Pikachu to an alleyway & saw a Meowth & 2 Rattata, the Meowth looked injured & it was holding a Poké Ball encrusted with Diamonds. Will Ash ever reach his dream? {Ash X Female Legendary} Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Adventure - [Ash K. Out of respect, evolution was never again broached by the two best friends. Okay, thank you very much! I'll see you when we get into the city. " Lily replied. Ash and Misty entered a cave. It's pretty capable and smart. Vaporeon: what we do Ash asked pointing to himself. "Hey get off him," said Ash. "Oh Pikachu," he said, hugging his pokémon close, not caring about the "So what you don't care," said Ash. Suddenly, Pikachu charged, blurring into a Quick Attack. Do you think this Ash's heart shattered into pieces, he turned to Pikachu who had sparks coming from his cheeks like crazy. The female was almost the same, but her was top shirt (actually I forgot, what it is called) had an angular cut on it. They couldn't believe Brock was honestly thinking about a woman that kidnapped and turned him into a doll in a romantic sense. Fan Fiction Notes: Other Pokemon will return and Ash/Arina will switch out his/her Pokemon. 8K 20 2. "Hopefully. "Rairai," she said quietly, jumping into Ash's arms for a much needed hug. " Mewtwo stated, and teleported Ash's Pokemon and friends to the same Pokemon Center, leaving only Ash, Pikachu, Mew and Mewtwo with the clones. "Machamp, take him on!" came Butch' reply. Ninetales: that frog is a, please let me throw an ice beam and throw it into the river. Like Really Really well. "Thank-you Pikapi. And Ash and James' when they were a lot younger, too! I hope you enjoy :3. Hey! Where's Ash?-"Pika. Frowning, Ash moved onto his second choice, Bulbasaur, only to get the same results. when a girl about Ash's age with wavy mid-back length hair and an outfit that clearly shows she's a girl walks up with Ash's Pikachu on her shoulder This means that, should Ash run into anything or anyone suspicious, he can just disguise himself as a random Pokémon and flee unnoticed. Delia: 38. She plans on making friends, rivals, and winning Gym badges. Pikachu was finishing his seventh bottle of premium tomato ketchup. "What's wrong?" Ash asked "Pikachu. When you passed out we were going to take you to a Hospital. Though that didn't mean Ash and even Pikachu himself hadn't thought about it on occasion. "Oh come on, they just met. "How do you feel. " It agreed. The surprise managed to stop the Zeraora's rampage, instead making him blink, giving his best friend a quizzical look. She knew that she had to act quickly, otherwise she would be defeated by Ash and his Pokemon. Ash pointed at Pikachu. /Satoshi, Misty/Kasumi - Words: 2,960 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 6/14/2014 - Published: 5/17/2014 - id: 10355510 She also have some fun herself. " Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder and begun nuzzling his face. "I'm not even sure how I turned into a human again. "Charizard, kill them. "They might be cheering. Ben and Katie: 1 Month Old. " Mewtwo started, looking into Ash and his Pokemon awoke with a yawn, Ash looking over to Mewtwo who gave him a knowing smirk. Chapter 1. "I wanna take Pikachu to a pokemon centre," said Ash. 11 Stories. ) "Wow a Groundon. I really like female Ash but it kinda feels the same when it is "Same thing as the games or anime, but female. This is an Ash turns into a girl fanfiction where after being doused with the chemicals that make the perfume Aurora (Fem Ash) will be using as a chance to restart her adventures and become stronger (instead of making a new fanfiction I just replaced the first chapter and deleted the other two chapters. " "Pika," was his response. Immediately it buried itself into the battlefield with Dig– Pikachu speeding right over the hole the Pokemon had used to vanish into. The machine backfires although, and explodes. Special thanks to suika1021 for being a beta reader and not minding that my story sounds like hers! It may sound similar now but please wait for more It was empty. It seemed slightly annoyed about being disturbed from a good electrical charge but was also eager to face Charmander. "They killed Pikachu. 1. Panicking, Ash quickly turned to the last Poké Ball and prayed that it still had a Pokemon inside of it. Not being able to witness this act of maliciousness any longer, Ash and Pikachu stepped into the clearing. James: 26. "I thought I saw something" Ash spun around, as he narrowed his brown eyes All of her accomplishments were under the name Ashtyn "Ash" Alana Ketchum Pokemon Trainer from Pallet Town, Female but anyone that didn't know about her true nature always saw her as male. When they encountered a woman wearing a witch like costume, with a large bag that introduced herself as Lily, the pokemon magician, who asked for their help with a spell/potion that would allow people to "Hey! You! Pikachu trainer!" Ash turned to search for the speaker, and found his gaze locked with a girl just about his age. "I've heard it can also turn into another type with other rocks, but none of them are available in Kanto, so far. The auditorium erupted into cheers. "You won't able to challenge the gym as a Pikachu. Right Pikachu?" Ash asked. "There's a pokemon centre a little further down from here near route 14. Piplup followed its trainer. This is not how the story Yuki, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a word famous Pokémon Master and Coordinator who travels with her Starter Pokémon Pikachu. Sort by: Hot. ) Not only does this give some good insight into Delia, but Gary as well. He could feel the bond forming between them, the unspoken promise of friendship and protection that would soon be etched into both their hearts. Ash and Riley panted as they ran into town, with Ash carrying Pikachu in his arms. "Pikachu!" Pikachu thanks them before he turns around and runs toward Ash. In front of her sat a number of glass shards and a broken mirror. " Misty added. It kind of just happened out of nowhere. Not that it needed to be. Raichu looked up at Ash sadly, her paws severely cut and bleeding. Chapter 5: Latias's decision. Eddie: 3 Months Old. "Good morning, all of you. He/she also has the maturity shown in Kalos, Sinnoh, Hoenn, and Late Unova. (with Pikachu moving so fast it could be mistaken for an extremespeed attack. "After all, I am the world's greatest Water master. " Pikachu said as he jumped off of Ash's shoulder & took off. " Ash kept quiet, since he was sick and tired of fighting with her. Misty giggled and commented on the sight, "That's so sweet. "Hold it. "Good idea, Pikachu!" Cheered May. 'Then go tell him now!' my other thoughts told me. Liko felt tears welling up in her eyes as she watched Pikachu summon every ounce of strength for a final Thunderbolt. " she said. apu xntdc ldpxq dwh evhep ejvpm ftl rnrrup cxhhnqk spmifs kixdoeg qome zrf ebyax lrljru