I broke up with the love of my life reddit.
My first love broke up with me a couple months ago too.
I broke up with the love of my life reddit Jesus dude very similar to my situation. Now looking back, time eventually healed those wounds. Like I was not even a person. I told him the horrible sad truth, that I need more. upvotes · comments And please don't say your life is over, you are 23, your life lies in front of you, ready to be claimed. We dated for three years, but things ended up not working out ultimately. Hey, I’ve been there recently. but also be kind with yourself if you mess up. I (22m) two days ago broke up with my (22m) boyfriend. If you have any questions, Yes I broke up with the love of my life after a 8 year on & off relationship. I’ve realized from my current break up how importance headspace is in terms of dating. That seems really hard to deal with, I’m sorry. I want to let go and move on. he wasn’t treating me the way i deserved & we fought a lot, i think it boiled down to lack of compatibility. Towards the end of last year, I met one of the best people that ever came into my life, she has BPD. I just applied for 40 jobs in 2 days. I just felt trapped, scared that i wasnt living my life like i really wanted to and feeling like i need to fix my life by myself without anyones help. Like our About 6 months ago I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years and have come to the conclusion that it may have been the worst mistake of my life to this date. it’s like being an addict. We had a wonderful and loving relationship. I was already crying on the call, but this was breaking down in heavy sobs. And she somehow became my gf. When she finally broke and asked him to pay her back or that she'll break up with him, he said he won't pay her back if she breaks up, and that she must keep a physical relationship with him. That has been two years. Do not bully or harass other users. I broke up with my girlfriend today, completely blindsiding her and shattering her heart. But there's light at the end of the tunnel. . He had a huge impact on my life, both in a positive and negative way. we were so in love with each other, the connection was instantaneous and so mutual. We both told each other that we are the love of each others life and we wanted to get married and start a family. I was madly in love with a guy who said all of the things I wanted to hear at 22, but beat the hell out of me for three years. Love fucks you up and makes you do dumb shit. ) almost 7 years ago. Spending time together became frustrating because every day was a reminder of all the failed promises. I've known people who have broken up and 4 months later get back together and end up happily married. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit I took some bad advice from my friends and broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years. I knew I wasn't the love of her life and I felt I deserved better. Please read this if your heart hurts and you feel it'll never get better. So i broke up with her. there will always be that first piece of art that connected with you and changed you. my subreddits. When we broke up, I thought my life was over at 25. It was bound to happen jump to content. Work, have hobbies, discover a new passion. i feel like im missing a piece of my brain that let’s be normal in relationships and not pick them apart, OP, I really understand your pain. Skinny and thin as a mantis. I’m 2 months into a 6 yr relationship. It was pretty upsetting for me in the moment, but I get it now. My first gf/ high school sweetheart and I dated for about 4 years. I’m mustering courage. I guess he felt bad too for misplacing judgement on my actions, thoughts and words and passive aggressiveness. We did everything together, and I thought of her as my best friend, too. I broke it off because found out he had been cheating all along. When we broke up, i said i KNOW i will never feel this way again, thats how rare our love is. She's my soulmate and the love of my life. I became severely depressed but chose to refocus my energy on self improvement. Dear Reddit, there's something I need to get off my chest. My now ex was everything I wished for from a partner and an absolute best friend. Our relationship lasted 6 months but was the most intense relationship I ever had and I completely fell for her. We had some problems and I thought we'd try to work through them and then I broke, I distanced myself things wilted and died. I fell in love with her from the moment we had our first conversation. It's not easy to do. Two months ago I broke up with the love of my life and I don't know how to deal with myself. I just got broken up with, so everything is very fresh. On a somewhat related note, I met another LT boyfriend prior to my husband on match. If you broke up because you felt you lost feelings, make sure what you're feeling is love for that partner and not just a general sense of loss of a relationship. But, I loved him a lot, but he started to treat me like I was nothing to him. Now you make the choice to rebuild yourself. Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. So a couple days ago, my girlfriend and I broke up. And I hope the same for you :) My boyfriend broke up with me and he gave me no reason for that. Here's how I got over a 1+ year relationship . I’ve found new love, a love that matches my intensity. Did the same thing, had someone else lined up before we were broken up. Being able to commit and put in energy to a serious relationship is hard, especially when our situations change in unexpected ways, and it’s not something that someone can change so easily. Sorry if this is word vomit. A once in a lifetime experience. edit Here are some unexpected things that can when you and your soulmate can’t be together and break up, according to experts. But then she broke up with me saying she fell out of love, and "little things were building up" So she wasn't able to communicate with me when things bothered her. My boyfriend broke up with me a week after my birthday and two weeks before Christmas, within 48hours of planning Christmas together. It just hurts so much because I know how much they love and care about me and I miss them so much. i had been emotionally unavailable for years due to childhood trauma & he opened me up to the feeling of love. I was blinded by that and took that good feeling, and turned it into love in my mind. Yesterday I realized that one special person in my life was the love of my life now we are friends. It’s been really hard and I miss him so much too. We hit it off pretty quickly, and i hope he’s the actual love of my life bc we’re going to Disney together next week lol. Although you, OP, have initiated the break up, you have every right to feel the way My ex left me a little over 3 years ago now, the day after Christmas 2017. if he wanted me Posted by u/40fpsgod - 3 votes and 11 comments 131 votes, 279 comments. He is engaged now & last year contacted me saying he feels like it should be me and that he never stopped loving me. My love for him grew as we were apart and more importantly, my love for myself grew stronger too. I thought she deserved better and that I have major issues I need to work on. She was sure of what she wanted in her future but I wasn’t. I think this is normal. She meant a lot to me from day one and we had a really honest relationship. You're going to hear this a lot from everyone else, so let me be the first to say it. We had discussed I want to break the news to her the gentlest way as possible. I've never loved anyone as much as her, not even my ex who I was together with for over 8 years. At that time, i was surrounded by toxic people, so i didn't feel really good about me. I dated her for the best 2 years of my life. TLDR; my life is a mess so I broke up with a girl I love more than anything, I feel like it's necessary. I’m truly happy for the lessons I’ve learnt during my previous break up. i will always love him, but i had to let him go. i didn't know when that would happen, but i knew it'd be someday because our relationship didn't have any problems. My heart may be broken but my head and my body both work. He wanted to be with me but I didn't believed it (I am chubby, he is very beautiful) so No matter how much your heart aches and how bad you hurt, I promise you will heal and get over it: Here's how I got over a 1+ year relationship with who I thought was the love of my life and I broke up with the love of my life almost two months ago. Omg!!!! Lol I absolutely loved your message and yes you are so right about it all. I do think of them, yes. Broke Up With The Love Of My Life . This is the best decision for my life. this wasn’t exactly why my boyfriend and i broke up, but it was often an argument between us (i. It seems like you've taken a considerable amount of time before deciding to breakup with them. Please help. In the early of this year, my ex of 1 year broke up with me because he fell out of love. I still loved her and wanted to stay with her, but was stuck with girl number two. We were together for 1 year and few months. I got up now, my mental is healed. For 5 years she has been by my side. Or, 4 months later with clarity and perspective realize, "Wow that totally wasn't my person, what I was I thinking - I'm moving on to better things. I love my wife and I love our kid (and one on the way any day now). I felt like we had to break up there was no other way to save the relationship. She was able to move on eventually, I found help and got my shit together. which took a toll on my heart strings. We dated for 2. It’s important to remember that we never understand the Not sure what’s meant by that. I lost feelings too and we eventually broke up and it was a good decision because she just dragged me down with her and made me question my whole life. It was intense, I had butterflies all the time. never feeling fully accepted by his family, not feeling wanted by him at family gatherings, him choosing his family over me, etc. yes, literally everything in life is easier said than done. Long story short with girl number two, we start our official relationship and date, it lasts about 4 My girlfriend of three years and I just broke up. 5 years together and I just feel like I’ve been hit by a train. He dragged me down throughout the years, I should have been thinking of my future, so that was a negative effect. My ex and I lived together for 4 years and she was celebrating with her online friends the day after we broke up. It won't take away from the pain, but sometimes it helps distract. She is an avoidant, so she held onto 90% of problems. My best advice is to just go after something. I know people say this a lot and they eventually move on but I mean this. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to do but his actions make it easy. She's with him now and you're right, you're left picking up the pieces wondering what the hell you did wrong. This year, the guy I'm dating gave me a necklace for my birthday and my immediate response was "oh god you're breaking up with me. After the afternoon I broke up with her my now ex SO never tries to contact me at all. I even contacted her friend to apologize as my ex said I fucked it up with her friend, but in hindsight it was a mistake. Completely. She was the person I got to experience love with and made me feel loved, the only person I've ever felt truly connected to. We both were guilty of passive aggressiveness actually, just at different times. All I can think off "She was the love of my life, but maybe I just wasn't the love of hers. Then 2 weeks ago, my 2 months ex broke up with me because we weren't compatible and he said he didn't think he loved me. I'm 28f now. Hope you’re okay man. We've been together for around 5 years and, as a couple, we've been in our ups and downs. But I'm absolutely terrified to lose her. I think of my ex fondly, and our time together was really wonderful, but I don't really regret anything that happened because I've gotten where I am now, and I'm content with that. It was out of the blue for me. Then I screwed it up because of my past. ). She made me feel good about me. Everything was going so well. He spent his first Christmas with his family in 4 years in 2023 due to varying visa issues (they're from South America, but live in the US – him and I live in Canada), and a couple weeks after he came back, he told me that his parents were strongly considering moving to Europe, and if they were to go, he would want to It's important to have faith that your course in life will take you where you need to go. Consider whether you really love the girl. “So, if you break up with your soulmate for the right reasons (e. This is just gonna be a rant so whatever. I truly hope one day you meet someone that loves and appreciates you for that, as well as reciprocates your ThrowAway OP, it is okay you broke up with your gf. I don’t know if i made the right decision but it’s done. So I need some thoughts please. And never tried to fight for her back nor loved me how i wanted. Truth is, we just don’t know and Reddit is a place where we all go to get validation from strangers on the Internet. I don't know why. Luckily, we both sought help after our break-up, and are now two very different people. We were in a similar long distance situation. Having said that, this doesn't mean your decisions are always mature, wise, will be good for you or her in the future, and so on. I gathered a lot of courage and I finally broke up with him. My high school boyfriend and I were extremely toxic. It’s been the most painful and trying time of my life. It still eats at me though. I understand that they need time and space but honestly I feel like the love of my life is gone. For my birthday he gave me a beautiful necklace. It’s been about a month since I broke it off with my bf of 10 years and about 3 weeks since I moved out of our apartment We were together from 18-28 years old so my entire adult life and we kept having the same arguments and I felt like my needs were never being met even after vocalising it multiple times. My gf broke up with me after a 7yr relationship. I don’t think I will ever get over my ex girlfriend. No loss of love. You have to accept that and keep moving, for your own survival. He was there earlier on in the day and we were so close and then after he goes home, we get into a petty argument and he just ends it. In the back of my mind I always remind myself that the earth keeps spinning whether you're in love or not. The love of my life just broke up with me because of my diagnosis. But in reality in the back of my head I was thinking of breaking up with him. up until a week ago i just didnt feel like it anymore. But just to yourself. My mom and I got absolutely shit faced and I signed up for a dating app to spite my ex. Middle of senior year, we broke up because we were young, drifting apart, etc. And for the record, don't say it was the love of your life until you are actually dying :) there always can be something better down the line. I just recently found the love of my life and we're still together after two years. We ended up getting along really well, went on trips together, fell in love with each other, and she was perfect for me. I thought he was the love of my life and we had a child together. The last time I cried this hard was the day he left. you know the overall goal is to get clean, but there are going to be times where you slip up. Do not post content that promotes hate based on identity or vulnerability. I’m not. Although it may not feel like it in the moment, Even when you’ve met the love of your life there might be reasons to let that relationship go. I realized she wasn't for me then. Ended up finding a guy who was my idea of absolutely perfect. I realized that my life for my ex-wife was situationable. I'm crushed but I hope that I would feel better soon. Soooo I honestly don’t know where to start. I mean I have lived 30 years and never seen anyone as amazing in my eyes as her. " I He keeps asking me why, he keeps asking me why we broke up, why he isn’t enough for me, what is he supposed to tell people, he doesn’t understand me. I thought they were the love of my life and that I would find no one better, wrong. g. " Reminded me (30 M) of losing my first love (my first kiss, first person to share my body with, first everything. I am pretty heart broken but am definitely functional. he was super close with his family, which at first i loved, but then it got to a point where i felt like I would never be good enough. Felt as if I was going to die by her side and we would always be together. I don’t think people understand how much it hurts to say what am I about to say to the only love of my life. My ex just broke up with me, and I honestly 1000% believed he was the love of my life without a doubt in my mind. the key to continuing to be clean is by accepting the fact that you are going I founded out I have a tumor in my head. No. The usual reasons that your 13 year old self isn’t the same person as the 17 year old self. This was two years ago. I broke with my partner of 3. Posted by u/lneedsomehelp - 1 vote and 9 comments We ended the call to give each other time to think and I broke down crying. I still have thay silly hope. When i was 18-20 i dated someone who i TRULY believed in my soul was the love of my life (currently 29m). He was apart of a crucial period in my life. There are several fundamental reasons why I made the decision, but us being long distance and not having a clear end goal to close the distance in sight + feeling like we’re growing apart/not growing together as a couple + my gut feeling that I wanted something more in a life When I broke up with my ex back in college it was because she was abusive and I realized I didn’t love her, she was my first real serious relationship, so I wanted to make it work. And I know some people will say I’m just being some love sick girl but I genuinely have dealt with a lot of shit and this pain is just something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Things with him just felt like they clicked, like it all made sense. She was a woman who was nice to me. She was my first "true" love. " Hi guys, I(26F) just got broken up with by the love of my life (26M) after 2. " And yeah I think my ex moved on already as well it's so painful. I don’t understand why this condition has taken everything from me. She also has a sister i have met that have a heavily sick boyfriend. I’m still struggling a lot, but one of my friends told me this and it has really been helping me: “You aren’t any less valuable just because one person doesn’t recognize your value” My love of 19 years, my wife of 13 years, my best friend, the mum of my 2 kids, just broke up with me, and I'm lost. Anything. I've had many after that, and each one I swore that I would find no 24(M) broke up with my 23(F) girlfriend of 2 years she was the love of my life and we recently broke up due to having problems and I can't lie we broke up due to infidelity on my part using apps and paying for porn when I shouldn't have when I had a girlfriend and it sucks because I know its a problem on my part and I know I was the problem in the relationship she told me to I am a 25 year old male. We agreed to stay friends. CPTSD Vent / Rant Everything hurts. I don't really ever wish I was with my ex over being with my wife. Literally me. We were together for almost 5 years. And now, practically out of nowhere he ended things. plus the fact that we were Yes, this is completely normal, but please refrain from immediately contacting them unless you're certain that the reason why you broke up with them no longer holds. I thought I'd give my input on being a guy who broke up with a girl I thought was the love of my life. Two years later I’m to the people saying “it’s easier said than done”. It makes you feel like they didn’t give you a chance to do right by them and you feel this regret. It was hard to move away from because at that point no woman had really given me a chance. It leaves you confused and sad. No matter how much your heart aches and how bad you hurt, I promise you will heal and get over it: Here's how I got over a 1+ year relationship with who I thought was the love of my life and One of the most complex decisions is breaking up with the love of your life or breaking up when you are still in love. It happened to me be before when my girlfriend broke up with me for mental health reasons and did not ask for space or to allow her to work on it together. e. I really do love him. We were certain we would get married, and we were happily (apparently) very much in love. My first love broke up with me 2 months ago. He called me to talk about our relationship and it all happened over the phone. I don’t usually get on reddit to ask for advice but I don’t really have people I can trust or confide in to talk about Broke Up With The Love Of My Life . We had a future planned. It's exactly one year since the breakup and I'm constantly struggling with the guilt of screwing up my relationship when I had the perfect girl and instead of marrying her having kids etc I waited too long, failed to deal with my mental health issues and fucked it all up, and I'm just gonna be the miserable ex who screwed up his life and cannot move on, being envious of them while this I recently broke up with my ex-partner of 3 years and it was one of the most difficult decisions of my life. Regret in the first few weeks is something a lot of people have but 99% of the time if you break up it's a good decision. She was someone who wanted to live until 100 years old, have lots and children and all that cliché. it was bizarre. She was already with her husband (bf at the time) by the time I reached out to ask for another chance. My girlfriend of almost three years just broke up with me because of my insecurities. The simple truth is that you need to be true to your heart. She was "the one. Very toxic. We had our problems early on in the relationship, nothing serious, your “typical” relationship things but had worked through them and had a fairly normal relationship by my standards. Me and my now ex gf was so in love. I don’t usually get on reddit to ask for advice but I don’t really have people I can trust or confide in to talk about situations like this, so it led me here. She was a girl I felt was “the one”. We compare ourselves to Marshall and Lilly from the tv show How I Met Your Follow reddit rules. Thanks to your reply, I’m able to see the difference a year has been for me. yeah, i’ve never had love for anyone like i did for my ex. It’s been over 4 years since we broke up but I’ve never stopped loving her so today was kind of bittersweet. It can be incredibly hurtful to break up with someone, and then learn the underlying problems they’ve had with you all along. Cheated on the love of my life, ruined our relationship, my life has gone way downhill. You also learn to make healthier decisions. It sounds crazy, but truly, I just knew he was the love of my life. Do you think we can work things out? Are there things I can say to ensure a positive outcome? I do miss her a lot even tho' we've only been together for over a year. My question is why, what was the coherent reason for which you threw out the love of your dreams? Context. I broke up for stupid reasons, cheated on him during the break I called (although I have never been unfaithful in my life) and did / said many things I'm very ashamed of. I won't stop applying for jobs until I get one. Slowly dying. my love for her etc cropping up. We used to go on dates, we used to cook for each I'll give my best for the other person that I neglected all this time, who needed my love. I still cry everyday even tho we haven’t spoken since. I don't know if I'll get over her either. Going through an excruciating break up with someone I considered the love of my life. And not a day goes by where I don't think of him, where I don't cry. I don’t even know what I’m I know how you feel. Would love an update on how you’re doing. We shared a connection I never thought possible. On february she dumped me, said strong stuff about the relationship that really hurt me. Don't let this happen to you. You can make any reason, big or small, a reason to break up with her. Love of my life broke up with me after 5 years, on my birthday telling me he never fell in love with me in the first place. thank you! when people say things like "i will never love someone like my first love" - yes! correct! sun will never feel the same as it did when you were 10yrs old at the lake/beach. i regretted it for a while, but i don’t anymore. When i broke up with my bf that i dated since the age 18 to 24 i felt empty, suffocated, and felt broken inside but over time i realized that time heals people's hearts and the pains, regrets, guilt and memories will fade eventually. We had broken up a couple of times in the past, but when I did it But unfortunately, they broke up with me a few days later. , the need to expand and develop I loved him a lot, and he treated me like I was nothing to him. I broke up with my ex 5 months ago. It’s hurts so much I can’t even have the thought of them cross my mind without wanting to break down in tears. In the beginning, she said she was okay with not meeting my family until I was sure she was the one for me. I'm losing this amazing woman, but my future self will thank me, I feel like. I haven’t been through a break up in my 30s before this one. I just feel really crushed right now. The reason i broke up is because he had issues in the past with insecurities for a while that made me very tired and exhausted mentally and i still cant get over it, even though from his side its been fixed for 2 months now i still dont feel okay. Please treat yourself with kindness and know what I’m always here if you wanna talk. I know people say this a lot and they eventually move on but But that doesn't mean your love life is doomed if things don't work out. No matter how much your heart aches and how bad you hurt, I promise you will heal and get over it: Here's how I got over a 1+ year relationship with who I thought was the love of my life and my future. How do you know if you still I'm in the same situation. 5 years 5 months ago also because of incompatibility. I’m pushing myself to heal. So i put all my eggs in that basket. I know you said it in your post. Need advice. you will remember when everything started fitting different in what feels like overnight The love of my life broke up with me on the 19th. 5 years and it turned into a messy breakup. com and they both met their husbands there as well. With that said keep all negative or overt emotions to a therapist. I didnt want her to have the same fate. I’ve grown immensely. Her sister didnt broke up but suffered a lot bc of it. My g/f and I lasted 3 and a half years. Sorry for the rambling guys. Known her my whole life, madly in love, my best friend, amazing connection and expirences, trips, etc. We were together 2 years as well. I met wonderful people, built relationships. He made his choice to walk away from you. Problem is, it's the second episode during our relationship, and I already had the 2nd chance :-( 3 months after the official breakup, I came back (2 weeks ago). I dated him thinking that maybe he will come back to what he was. My ex was a bit verbally abusive/put me down a lot so I was just trying to right my wrongs. My first love broke up with me a couple months ago too. My mother. I’m happy with that. We had been together over 3 years. I was going to New York City for my summer internship. i can't imagine loving anyone else after this. They found a new girlfriend in a matter of months. Celebrity. Believe me, I felt like dying/killing myself over someone that broke up with me when I was 16. When break up happen it is better to open up to loved ones or find support instead of carrying the burdens alone. 💭Seeking Support & Advice Towards the end of last year, I met one of the best people that ever came into my life, she has BPD. i feel that we came to properly understand each other as people, so i just knew that he would regret his decision at some point. You're young. If you want to make I tried for weeks to swallow my feelings and move past it, but I just couldn't and ended up breaking up with her. My aunt also wanted to marry, but her boyfriend always said "when it's the right time, i'll propose". I knew I had to end it "The man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, S, who I was head My boyfriend and I broke up last night. The universe doesn't care. When we finally broke up I was relieved but didn’t go no contact so finally a few months later I did block her on everything after she got really nasty. Fuck everything! My older sister wont help me stay with her cause she says she would rather be her and her man, I've been applying to jobs and have been getting rejected so the job thing is out so I can get my own place, and as for my friends I wanted to ask one of my friends but they already housing another one of my friends who also went through a similar situation with his girlfriend's Muslim I want to put my head down, and work until my fingers bleed for the next two years. Buoyed by my success, 2 of my friends signed up for match. I was broken, lost and desperate. One has been married for 18 years and the other for 19 years now. I wish i understood myself better and by extent how to handle relationships. He stopped loving me. doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attempt to do it. svcoriwnodsssqwrrqwgpcwlpinkdvccybymiywjyxkzvfqkoyzdnhnmswvshbjmgpilsxnlyh