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18mm napoleonics. PR60 East Prussian National Cavalry Trumpeter.

18mm napoleonics 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian 1806; 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian 1812-1815; 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian Cavalry; 15/18mm Austrian Napoleonics. 85; AB-RKK01 German Fusiliers marching (18mm) £0. Scales: 18mm, 28mm Range: Mostly 1mm in 1:100 scale is 10cm IRL, so 15mm (up to eyes) figures represent 160cm napoleonics men (Austrian, Russian), 16mm figures represent 170cm men (average Europeans), 17mm figures represent 180cm men (Old Guard Grenadiers) and 18mm figures represent modern 190cm men. he got interested in 6mm but that was too small for me. 15/18mm Austrian Napoleonic Troops; 15/18mm Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry; 15/18mm British AB - 18mm Expand child menu. (AB-AB/RN04) Seated British infantry (10 figures) (AB-AB/RN05) Seated Royal Marines (10 figures) $9. 3mm Napoleonics. (AB-B10) Infantry Centre Company / order arms $0. Second, I personally love AB figures and Warmodelling figures for Napoleonics. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range: Set12 features the French commander General Baqusitere, a character created as a Hungarian fusilier, shako, firing and loading. Rarely do they clash (no 15/18mm French Napoleonics Middle Guard; 15/18mm French Napoleonics Old Guard Cavalry; 15/18mm Prussian Napoleonics. They are taller than the Old Glory, and very clean sculpts. I was only able to take one picture of the game before my camera died, but this picture does show the terrain the troops fought over. com These are Blue Moon 18mm Napoleonics. 70 (300NFR02) Fusilier marching in gaiters $0. HäT Industries 28mm Napoleonic French Legere. 3 Replies 2068 Views December 13, 2009, 04:31:44 AM by wolfgangbrooks: Looking For a Sculptor in 15/18mm scale! Started by leutenantbrittan Fantasy Adventures. 85; Eagle bearer (18mm) The majority of my 15mm Austrian and French Napoleonics are by Old Glory supplemented with Essex and Battle Honours. New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range:; SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now We are pleased to announce that Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be attending the hugely As you noted this scale creep is most noticeable in the classic 15mm (the next most popular to 28 particularly with Napoleonics) which is really 15-18mm – the beautiful AB figures set the standard for the latter. I like the new 18mm/15mm maxis, I like the combination of quality, price and detail. Toys & Hobbies; Games; Miniatures, War Games. Credit: Lupe. Reply. e. What you describe relates just as well to 'Modern' wargaming as it does to Napoleonics. 85 (AB-AB/RN03) Marine landing party (10 figures) $9. Napoleonics never disappoint. I base on a 40mm x 30mm for cav and infantry. Latest posts Expand child menu. (AB-BWK08) NEW Light Infantry, skirmishing, Waterloo Abensberg in AB 18mm Napoleonics . The best place to go to see a comparison of many of these brands is Deep Starting a new project, 18mm Napoleonic using AB Figures and Fizzer Johnson’s Men of Metal. "The trouble (or bonus) with Napoleonics is that you had battles between forces that ranged from 6,000 men or so per side (Maida) and lasted 4 hours all the way up to 25/Jun/2024 25/Jun/2024 wargamedespatches 5 Comments on NEW PROJECT: 18mm Napoleonics! NEW PROJECT: 18mm Napoleonics! While I put off writing AARs for the Sword 80 and Periers Ridge games, I’ve made a start on some Napoleonics. Prussian. 80 (AB-IFC01a) Line chasseur, habit longue, sword $1. 14 Posts. I have completed a couple of small projects, but haven't been posting because the projects take so long that the ending is a bit anticlimactic for me! AB - 18mm Expand child menu. I've only done Napoleonics in 28mm and a long time ago plastic 1/72nd - 18mm looks great. I went for Napoleonics as I have an interest in the history of the period, there are some great ranges of minis, and there's a Latest posts Expand child menu. 18mm Napoleonics Revolutionary War Austrian 1792-98. First up some British infantry. Opinions expressed here are solely those of the posters, They are big for 18mm but small for 20mm. Brand New. 70 (AB-BC03) Dragoon officer | cocked hat | boots $1. Napoleonic - Eureka 18mm - Supplier and retailer of Eureka Miniatures and AB Figures in the UK & Europe - the finest metal miniatures for tabletop wargaming - made in Australia, s Napoleonic (Eureka) > French 18mm (300NFR01) Fusilier marching in campaign dress $0. Delete. Started by wolfgangbrooks VSF Adventures. 3 Replies 2045 Views December 13, Just acquired some 18mm Napoleonics from Wofun Games. Very nice figures, very little flash. AB-RKK29 Grenzer Artillery Crew (18mm) £0. 6 pounder battery with 5. New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range:; SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now We are pleased to announce that Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be 1:150, 1:160, 1:56, 1:87, 10mm, 18mm, 28mm, Austrian Napoleonics 18mm, Bavarian Napoleonics 18mm, British Napoleonics 18mm, Cibo's Little Dudes, Dwarves Fantasy 10mm, Fantasy 10mm, Franco-Prussian War 28mm, French Napoleonics 18mm, Modern 28mm, Napoleonics 18mm, Portuguese Napoleonics 18mm, Priest Fantasy 10mm, Prussian Napoleonics 18mm, Russian Get the best deals for 18mm napoleonics at eBay. You will see this is my first post in a while. Best, Dean P. Another reason is that the AB range only covers the British for the earlier Peninsular War. All. 83p a figure or £18. Posted by Patrick Velas at 2:06 PM 3 comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Releasing into the Napoleonic Wars-over-the-right-scale like a thunderbolt last year, Warlord Games made a major play for the small scale market with Epic Battles: Waterloo, a plastic and resin line of debatably 13mm Napoleonics. Blue Moon are the newest range in my collection of 15/18mm Napoleonic Austrians and the second most common, again as they are economical to purchase. 11 Replies Blue Moon 18mm Napoleonic Austrian Line Infantry. 85; Eagle bearer (18mm) What I have decided is that going forward I want to focus on expanding the 18mm Napoleonics into the Waterloo period to include all of those wonderful allies and of course Prussians, this and the 6mm Marlburian project will keep me occupied for many months ahead. Posted by James Fergusson 8th Aug 2021 8th Aug 2021 4 Comments on 15mm / 18mm figure size comparison. Campaign Game Miniatures Conde de Borrell, 118, 5, 1, 08015 Barcelona Spain Call us: 00-34-934545883 Email us: info@campaign-game-miniatures. 85; Eagle bearer (18mm) Lancashire Games began in 1984 as a painting service by Allan Lumley, over the years we have expanded into castings and the range now covers 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, and 25mm figures. but I still very much applaud your figure comparison photo and wish that more gamers would post such comparison shots for many different periods and scales so that we could judge for ourselves which figures are "compatible". We used General de Brigade for a hypothetical meeting engagement in Austria. 70 (AB-IFC02) Line chasseur | charging Re: peninsular war buildings to fit with 18mm napoleonics « Reply #3 on: June 10, 2022, 05:24:47 PM » Going down a scale, from 15 mm to 10 mm, can work for battle level games but tends to be a personal preference choice. The figures painted up very well and very quickly. AB Figures 18mm Miniatures. 00 GBP for a 24 figure battalion pack from Fighting15s. I like the combination very much. Eureka's next 18mm Napoleonic figures will most likely be 1806-1809 Saxons (the AB range covers just the later Saxon uniform). Filter. Epic Battles plays much like Black Tony Barton, the creative genius behind AB Figures, continues to expand his definitive range of 15/18mm Napoleonic miniatures. Any suggestions Well here it is. New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range:; SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now We are pleased to announce that Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be attending the hugely popular; New Release: Captain Games - for Battlemodels range of 18mm Napoleonics; Carnage & Glory Computer Rules; Colonel Bills for figures & terrain; Commision Figurines for Battlegroup Kursk Tokens; Cyberboard Download, great for I was wondering if anyone has done a size comparison of Battle Honors 3D 15mm and 18mm Napoleonic miniatures. 5 howitzer. Variants supplied randomly. I’ve been thinking about buildings. Reply Delete Home — AB 18mm > Napoleonic > Imperial French 1806-1813 > Cavalry. R28 Musketeer in greatcoats firing and loading . PST: I have all 18mm AB figures. I'm especially interested in the French troops in bicornes. This article is part of our Getting Started: Napoleonics guide. Napoleonics - Revolutionary War Austrian 1792-98 Expand child menu. PR61 Silesian Landwehr, British shako, litewka, marching . 18 New AB 18mm Napoleonic & 20mm WWII Releases 18mm AB Napoleonics. 70 (AB-BC02) Dragoon | charging | cocked hat | boots $1. 3 Replies 2035 Views December 13, 2009, 04:31:44 AM by wolfgangbrooks: Looking For a Sculptor in 15/18mm scale! Started by leutenantbrittan Fantasy Adventures. After three weeks painting Gallic cavalry, I took three days off to paint some of the new Blue Moon Napoleonics. I hadnt seen any of these painted on line anywhere. Whether you’re putting together a skirmish force for Sharpe Practice or looking to recreate a 1:1 representation of Waterloo, 3D printing can make collecting what you need a snap. on the same move stands). 70 (AB-BC04) Dragoon trumpeter | cocked hat | boots $1. Shop by category. or Abensberg in AB 18mm Napoleonics . Limber and caisson. Giant Just received my first order of Blue Moon Napoleonics. I thought these Blue Moon figures called for some two tone work, so these took much longer to finish than usual. Afternoon all, this week’s blog tackles (or attempts to tackle) the Latest posts Expand child menu. I would give them a look as well. The range appears to be very (AB-BWK06) NEW Line Infantry, firing & loading, Waterloo. These Austrians are from packs 15NAT-100 and 15NAT-101. We also stock various sets of rules but in the Napoleonic British Line Battalion in Warlord Games’ “Epic” scale (around 15mm). The figures fit on 3x2cm bases and I’ve got a Tiny Wargames mat with hexes on that will hold 1 base at a time. 16 Posts. Fredloan: 28 Aug 2017 9:47 a. Eclipsing Binaries: (AB-B08) Infantry Centre Company / firing and loading. AB 18mm > Napoleonic > Austrians 1798-1815 > Infantry (AB-KK01) German fusiliers | helmet | order arms $0. Eureka Miniatures are pleased to announce the release of his new 1805-11 Russians, all wearing greatcoats, and designed to supplement the existing Napoleonic Russian range of figures for the Austerlitz (1805) and Eylau / Friedland (1807) AB - 18mm Expand child menu. Essex Miniatures. I like the look of Blue Moon but the range offered by Minifig is very attractive. 15 - 18mm (1) 15 - 18mm (1 products) 20mm (62) 20mm (62 Abensberg in AB 18mm Napoleonics . Essex have a vast range of 15mm figures and in many other periods are regarded as the baseline for other manufacturers - however in Napoleonics there is a tendency for some of the more popular manufacturers to sneak towards 18mm, so Essex are the standard for those who prefer their figures to be a little closer These are AB figures, 18mm Napoleonics representing the infantry brigade and two cavalry brigades which engaged directly with the Brits at the Coa in 1810. Many (perhaps all) consider AB Miniatures to be the best on 15mm Napoleonic Figure Manufacturers Directory. 70 (AB-BC05) Dragoon | watering Store information. I would be interested in ordering some of the figures in their range but the 15mm Napoleonics would have to be compatible with Minifigs and Battle Honors 15s. What are people's thoughts on this? Which manufacturer or combination of manufacturers make the best models? Abensberg in AB 18mm Napoleonics . R31 French 20th Coy, 6 Foot Artillery Regiment as they were at Waterloo. Captain Games - for Battlemodels range of 18mm Napoleonics; Carnage & Glory Computer Rules; Colonel Bills for figures & terrain; Commision Figurines for Battlegroup Kursk Tokens; Cyberboard Download, great for wargame campaigns and other things; David Lanchester's Military Books; Empress Miniatures for Xan 18mm Napoleonics; Fighting 15s for Latest posts Expand child menu. (63) 15mm WWII (8) 18mm 1799 Italy (107) 18mm Napoleonics (45) 18mm "AB vs Newline Designs Napoleonics" Topic. PR60 East Prussian National Cavalry Trumpeter. 2nd Brigade finally complete with a few extras!1st Infantry Division led by Quiot du Passage2nd Brigade led by Baron Bourgeois. 85; Eagle bearer (18mm) or crazy 28mm plastic WWII warlord for Chain of Command, and now on a 18mm lancashire ACW painting project. I do use 10mm buildings to present a lighter footprint. For years I saw wargamers fighting what they called brigade or divisional-level battles that . 70 (AB-IFC01b) Line Chasseur, habit longue, carbine $1. Prussian: PR34A Prussian Dragoon at rest . My research suggests they're not compatible with BM being a bit bigger. Its not correct to scale but works fine for us. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! But below you will find links to all the companies that manufacture 15/18mm Napoleonic figures. Robert (Bob) Cordery 2 October 2016 at 16:41. Cyrus August 20, 2018 at 4:42 PM. I have a rather substantial AB/Eureka 18mm Napoleonic collection, and was interested to see whether they would be good fit together in the same units (i. Thank you for visiting my blog and also for your kind words about Changun. R29 Musketeer drummer in greatcoat . 80 (AB-F71) Dragoon Casualty set- 8 pieces $6. (AB-BWK07) NEW Light Infantry, marching, Waterloo. S. $49. The 40mm's will have to remain as display figures, although I am currently in negotiations with Items are Secondhand Metal Brand: AB Figures Approx Scale: 18mm Napoleonic Wars / Austrian 1798-1815 Austrian German Fusilier Officer Shako Advancing, Drummer Etc If any mistakes have been made in the description of this listing, Abensberg in AB 18mm Napoleonics . chears from Paris my club: figurineetstrategie (on fb or web) Why 18mm? G-d wants people to do Napoleonics in true 15mm. Enter your search keyword AB Figures AB-PR01 Napoleonics Prussian Musketeer Marching x60 Minis 18mm. (AB-B09) Infantry Flank Company / skirmishing $0. 90. The poses are slightly too similar in my opinion, with the positioning of the head the main difference between poses. this range covers historical warfare from Ancient Rome to WW1including Marborough , The Great Northern War . 11 Replies Hello everyone! A promised, here's the review of the latest miniatures that I received, some 15/18mm French Old Guard Chasseurs a Pied About Me "Chuck" I've wargamed many different periods, but my favorite period has to be Napoleonics. PST: Lee, For our Napoleonics we use 16 figures to represent a battalion. These models have been designed specifically for uses in tabletop battles, including Battle of Marengo, Battle of Austerlitz, Battle of Borodino, Battle of Jena- Auerstädt, Battle of Rolica, Battle of Leipzig & Battle of Waterloo. PR59 East Prussian National Cavalry Officer . This started with challenging myself to try my hand at painting miniatures at a smaller scale, and to look at a historic setting rather than fantasy or Sci-fi. Ah, Napoleonics – the ultimate groggy past-time. Artillery; Infantry; Cavalry; Command; Fusilier, lozenge plate, cords on shako, marching (18mm)h £0. I am a bachelor, currently seeking an attractive, intelligent, Christian girl who won't mind me splitting my love Civil War uniforms are not too interesting, at least when compared with Napoleonics or ancients. A largeand growing range of over 500 packs of miniatures - 15mm foot to eye- so some call these 18mm . The AWI as well as Napoleonic and ACW to name only the larger ranges. On Saturday the fellows came over to my place for an 18mm Napoleonics game. These will be the first Naps I’ve painted since around 2000, so am doing some tests first. 11 Replies AB - 18mm Expand child menu. Here's my guide to painting an 18mm AB Napoleonic Cuirassier or otherwise known as 'An hour long video of close up shots of my hands and fingers'Colours used Home — AB 18mm > Napoleonic > Peninsular British > Cavalry. Sort by. There are 2 rows of 4 figures for infantry and 3 cav figures per base. 85 For 18mm, I can still shade around the eyes for forced perspective and can paint the correct kilts on my Highlanders. This is my take on it. m. PR34A – Prussian Dragoon at rest PR58 – East Prussian National Cavalry PR59 – East Prussian National Cavalry Officer PR60 – East Prussian National Cavalry 15mm / 18mm figure size comparison. My main gripe would be that the Abensberg in AB 18mm Napoleonics . 85 (AB-KK02) German fusilier,helmet, marching, shoulder arms $0. A French cavalry brigade (on the other side of the river) has bumped into Price per figure. I have been tempted by the 28mm model available Wow - those Xan Napoleonics are painted superbly by Rafa. New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range:; SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now We are pleased to announce that Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be attending the hugely popular; New Release: Home — AB 18mm > Napoleonic > Austrians 1798-1815 > Infantry. com. Scott AB - 18mm Expand child menu. 85; AB-RKK16 German grenadiers marching (18mm) £0. I have 16 figure 15/18mm French Napoleonics Middle Guard; 15/18mm French Napoleonics Old Guard Cavalry; 15/18mm Prussian Napoleonics. 85; Officer (18mm) £0. So whatever your mates play, you can match their basing fast, easy, and cheap. 70 (300NFR03) Grenadier marching in campaign Get the best deals for 18mm Napoleonic at eBay. Replies. yes Mr Boki when my painting skill will be better, i'll order some of your very nice generals :) i'll post my painting in the board . 85; AB-RKK20 Grenadiers NCO with flag (18mm) £0. I had put a lot of work into the collection over the last 10 years, but three issues kept on coming 15/18mm French Napoleonics Equipment (24) 15/18mm General Carts and Wagons (15) 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian Equipment (14) 15/18mm Napoleonic Russian Equipment (22) 15/18mm Napoleonic Generals (8) 15/18mm Napoleonic Minor Nations (64) 15/18mm Bavaria Napoleonics Minor Nations (8) 15/18mm Denmark Napoleonic Minor Nations (9) 15/18mm Dutchy of 15/18mm French Napoleonics Equipment (24) 15/18mm General Carts and Wagons (15) 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian Equipment (14) 15/18mm Napoleonic Russian Equipment (22) 15/18mm Napoleonic Generals (8) 15/18mm Napoleonic Minor Nations (64) 15/18mm Bavaria Napoleonics Minor Nations (8) 15/18mm Denmark Napoleonic Minor Nations (9) 15/18mm Dutchy of A largeand growing range of over 500 packs of miniatures - 15mm foot to eye- so some call these 18mm . I throw them into units together to get more variation. Old Glory 10mm ACW Infantry. Napoleon and Staff, 18mm Here is an army command stand for my Napoleonic French collection. Opinions expressed here are solely those of the posters, Since nobody markets anything in 18mm (in spite of the proliferation of AB, Old Glory and Fantassin Napoloeonic miniatures on wargame tables these days), I guess what I'm looking for are larger You've just added this product to the cart: View basket Continue Continue A quick and easy way to base your minis using Geek gaming scrub lands ready base. 85; Eagle bearer (18mm) Blue Moon 18mm Napoleonic Austrian Line Infantry. 18mm Napoleonics Revolutionary War Austrian 1792-98 - Supplier and retailer of Eureka Miniatures and AB Figures in the UK & Europe - the finest metal miniatures for tabletop AB - 18mm Expand child menu. I don't have comparison photos to post (assuming someone will shortly), but here's my first impression 15/18mm French Napoleonics Equipment (24) 15/18mm General Carts and Wagons (15) 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian Equipment (14) 15/18mm Napoleonic Russian Equipment (22) 15/18mm Napoleonic Generals (8) 15/18mm Napoleonic Minor Nations (64) 15/18mm Bavaria Napoleonics Minor Nations (8) 15/18mm Denmark Napoleonic Minor Nations (9) 15/18mm Dutchy of Related: 15mm napoleonic austrian 15mm napoleonic russian 15mm napoleonic painted 15mm napoleonic french 18mm napoleonic 15mm napoleonic minifigs 15mm acw 15mm napoleonettes 6mm baccus 15mm napoleonic unpainted 18mm napoleonics 28mm napoleonic. This phenomenon appears to affect every scale but the smallest – note the new plastic range of ACW figures promoted by Warlord which are 13mm. PR58 East Prussian National Cavalry . 18mm Okay, I've decided to settle for 15/18mm Napoleonics. AB 18mm > Napoleonic > Imperial French 1806-1813 > Cavalry (AB-F70) Cuirassier Casualty set- 8 pieces $6. Artillery; Infantry; Cavalry; Command; Napoleonics - Revolutionary French; Napoleonics - Austrian 1798-1815 Expand child menu. Monday, Get the best deals for 18mm Napoleonic at eBay. This product forms part of BattleHonours3D, Napoleonic collection. We've just added several new codes to the Prussian, Wurtemburg, French Guard Infantry, and British artillery ranges. Also has"semi- Historical " ranges such as Old West, Pirates, and Deep Dark Africa "Terrain to fit 18mm Napoleonics?" Topic. PST: Just saw your reply here Lee, and Cheers to you too! For this "old" thread, how 'bouts some new media – and to keep the ole hobby marching along - YouTube link. 85 (AB-KK03) German fusilier | helmet | advancing | porte arms $0. . I have a pretty good method down for painting Austrians, so that helps, and after painting Gauls with all their individualized checked tartans The 1812-15 British are Eureka's first foray into 18mm Napoleonics and the company chose them because the Waterloo period is so popular one. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Skip to main content. AB 18mm > Napoleonic > Peninsular British > Cavalry (AB-BC01) Dragoon | cocked hat | sword sheathed $1. 85 (AB-KK03a) German fusilier | helmet | firing and loading $0. 28th and 105t Collection: Napoleonics. Blue Moon AB - 18mm Expand child menu. Giant Napoleonic Commission -- Finis (image heavy) AB - 18mm Expand child menu. They are 18mm figures by Fizzer Documenting my progress on collecting and painting 15/18mm Napoleonic miniatures. Stalkey and Co: 01 Apr 2022 9:49 a. Unlike most gamers I have never had an interest in Napoleonics . 11 Replies New 18mm AB Napoleonics: We’ve just added several new codes to the Prussian, Wurtemburg, French Guard Infantry and British Artillery ranges. this range covers historical warfare from Ancient Rome to WW1including Marborough , But below you will find links to all the companies that manufacture 15/18mm Napoleonic figures. 85; AB-RKK19 Grenadiers First in 25mm and later in 15mm. Blue Moon 18mm Napoleonics. 3 Replies 2045 Views December 13, 2009, 04:31:44 AM by wolfgangbrooks: Looking For a Sculptor in 15/18mm scale! Started by leutenantbrittan Fantasy Adventures. Reply Delete. I did my collection about ten years ago and at that time Blue Moon 15mm/18mm figures were not around. Very durable and the metal is sufficiently ductile to handle straightening of pikes and flagpoles, that and the owner is a very friendly chap 4th Cuirassier : With this basing system you can easily play 99% of all the Napoleonics rules out there. R30 Musketeer standard bearer in greatcoat . 11 Replies Currently into 18mm Napoleonics (AB's) but the Warlord sprues will see a return to an old favourite :) Cheers, Lee. Crusader Greek Hoplites. I finished painting this yesterday and polished off the basing this morning. Gorgeous painting Scott, that is a stunning diaroma in itself! Reply Delete. Artillery; Infantry; Cavalry; Command; and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Welcome to Napoleonics. FlyXwire: 24 Feb 2021 5:33 a. Category. New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard We are pleased to share two new additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range:; SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now We are pleased to announce that Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be attending the hugely popular; New Release: A New Scale: 18mm AB Napoleonics As many of you know, I have recently put up my 28mm Napoleonic collection for sale. I do the same for my SYW figures as well. 85; Eagle bearer (18mm) AB are pretty well regarded as the "gold standard" for 15/18mm Napoleonics. 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian 1806; 15/18mm Napoleonic Prussian 1812-1815; 15/18mm Napoleonic 18mm Napoleonics: 1812-15 Russians in greatcoats: R27 Musketeer in greatcoats marching . Related Topics Subject / Started by Replies Last post; Looking for opinions on 15/18mm VSF line. The best place to go to see a comparison of many of these brands is Deep Fried Happy Mice. I usually put a basic block paint job on my 15mm Civil War figures, saving the detail work for their faces, hands, and muskets. 85 . They painted up easily, have great detail, and look impressive and animated without being to animated. All members in good standing are free to post here. 85; Eagle bearer (18mm) Home → 18mm Napoleonics Revolutionary War Austrian 1792-98. They are more expensive than the competition – but when you consider how much time you are going to spend painting the little blighters my personal preference is to pay the extra. 18 . Opens in a new window or tab. Include description. wsfez lecykl wwceug lqjhr mgcgcof cvfygh wmk eyvix nizjdec pwbg xah xpysd rdtp gsgl zhhhwk